MeterLand | Test and Measurement Instruments

Test and Measurement

Digital multimeters, clamp meters, electromagnetic field meters, thermometers, air flow meters,sound meters, stopwatches, timers and clocks, tachometers, thickness gauges, vibration meters, voltage testers and current testers, water quality meters, moisture meters, gas detectors and analyzers, ground resistance testers etc.

Extech HD350, Pitot Tube Anemometer and Differential Manometer
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EXTECH HD350 measures air velocity/airflow in difficult-to-reach or tight locations. It measures differential pressure in 5 selectable units of measure and includes a Pitot tube and 2 connection hoses for measuring Air Velocity/Air Flow. 
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Extech MG320, CAT IV Insulation Tester/True RMS MultiMeter
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EXTECH MG320 Combines a portable 20GΩ/1000V Insulation Tester with a True RMS MultiMeter. 
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FLIR TG165-X, Affordable Diagnostic Thermal Camera (-25 .. +300°C)
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The FLIR TG165-X helps you visualize the hot and cold spots that can indicate electrical faults, mechanical break-downs, or air and water leaks. This all-in-one, non-contact measurement and imaging tool displays temperature anomalies on screen, allowing you to inspect efficiently and pinpoint the source of problems faster than with a single-spot IR thermometer. See components clearly and even read labels thanks to FLIR patented MSX image enhancement, which adds visual details to full thermal images. 
IMPORTANT! FLIR TG165-X can be sold only in Romania! Contact us directly for more information.

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Lutron YK2005CD, Conductivity Meter
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Lutron YK2005CD is a portable digital instrument that can measure electrical conductivity in liquids in the range 0 .. 200 mS and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in the range 0 .. 132000 ppm. The YK2005CD can store up to 16,000 values.
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Extech DL160, True RMS AC Voltage/Current Datalogger
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The DL160 is a Dual Input True RMS AC Voltage/Current Data logger. Simultaneously data log 2 channels of up to 256,000 readings of TRMS AC Voltage (600V) or Current (200A) or one AC Voltage and one AC Current input with a user programmable sample rate from 1 second to 24 hours.
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GWInstek SFG2120, Generator de functii 20MHz
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Bazat pe tehnologia Direct Digital Synthesized (DDS), generatorul de semnal GWInstek SFG-2120 beneficiaza de performanțe care depășesc cu mult orice generatoare de funcții convenționale, totul la un preț foarte competitiv. Frecventa foarte stabila a semnalului de iesire, distorsiunile reduse si rezolutia frecventei caracteristicile de baza ale generatorului de semnal de 20Mhz SFG2120. Datorita nivelului de stabilitate de 20 ppm și a exactității formei de undă a ieșirii, seria SFG-2100 are o gamă largă de aplicații ca generator de functii, semnal de referință pentru PLL (Fase Lock Loop) și sursa de calibrare și reglare pentru dispozitive electronice.
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FLIR TG267, Affordable Diagnostic Thermal Camera (-25 .. +380°C)
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FLIR TG267 is an advanced thermal camera who can measure a wide range of temperatures from -25°C to 380°C with a true 160 × 120 IR pixel imager (19,200 pixels), with a brilliant 2.4 inch screen and patented FLIR MSX® (Multi-Spectral Dynamic Imaging). Record images to monitor maintenance history and reassure your customer that problems have been resolved.
IMPORTANT! FLIR TG267 can be sold only in Romania! Contact us directly for more information.
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Lutron SL-4036SD, Integrated sound level meter class 1
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Lutron SL4036SD is a digital sound level meter that can record the measured values ​​of the noise level in the range of 30 .. 130 db. Lutron SL4036SD is a compact digital sound level meter that meets the requirements of IEC 61672 class 1, IEC 60804 type 1, ANSI S 1.43 type 1. 
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Extech RH550, Humidity and Temperature Color Chart Recorder with Detachable Probe
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The Extech RH550 is a paperless color chart recorder that provides simultaneous digital and graphical display of %RH and temperature or dew point, as well as showing date/time and min/max values.
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Lutron MS-7012SD, Grain Humidity Content Meter + Type K/J
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Lutron MS7012SD is a professional humidity content instrument, used to measure the humidity content value for the materials of grain, corn, rice. cotton, paper etc. Humidity/Temp., Dew point ( Humidity), Wet bulb (Humidity), Type K/J thermometer, 4 kinds measurement are combined into one meter, intelligent and professional. 60cm stainless steel, heavy duty, probe included. Real time SD memory card datalogger with built-in clock and calendar, real time data recorder, sampling time set from 1 second to 3600 seconds, integrated. SD card is not included.
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FLIR DM166, Multimetru cu imagine termica
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Instrument 2 in 1: multimetru profesional True RMS si camera termografica. 
IMPORTANT! Acest produs este supus unor restrictii de export si nu se poate vinde catre persoane fizice, utilizatori finali sau utilizari in domeniul militar fara licenta de export!
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