FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 43 products.
Lutron CM9940, mini DCA/ACA Clamp 600A
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LUTRON CM9940 is a small clamp multimeter. LUTRON CM-9940 measures AC / DC current and voltage, resistance, frequency. It offers current measurement by clamp, diode and continuity test, automatic range switching, Data Hold, front panel protection against splashing water, overload protection on all ranges. The maximum diameter of the measured conductor is 30 mm.
Watanabe TH-41-2, transmiter izolat 4-20mA, 2 canale
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Convertorul Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TH-41-2 asigura transmiterea semnalului de proces 4-20mA (IN/OUT) pe doua canale cu alimentare direct din bucla, nefiind necesara o sursa separata. Transmiterul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 2000Vca/1min.
Lutron TP04, Type K surface probe, 400°C
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Lutron TP04 is a surface probe (thermocouple type K) designed for measuring temperatures by contact up to 400°C. The cable length is 1.2 m.
Lutron TM925, 2 Channel Thermometer Type K/J
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Lutron TM925 is a portable instrument designed to measure temperature by contact using K / J probes. TM925 has an internal memory for 1600 measured values. Measuring probes are not included!
Lutron TM936, Termometru PT100 si K/J/T/E/R
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Lutron TM-936 este un termometru digital portabill cu 2 canale la care se pot conecta o sonda de masurare a temperaturii de tip termocuplu K/J/R/E/T si una de tip termorezistenta PT100. TM936 permite monitorizarea datelor prin interfata RS232/USB cu ajutorul programelor optionale. Sondele de masurare nu sunt incluse!
Lutron AM4210, Thermo Anemometer 25m/s
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Lutron AM4210 is a portable digital thermo-anemometer, designed to measure the temperature and air velocity in the range of 0.4 - 25 m/s. The instrument can automatically store up to 1600 values, at programmable intervals between 2s and 1h. Temperature probes, RS232 / USB cable and software are not included.
Lutron CM9330, 2000A DCA/ACA Clamp+DMM
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The Lutron CM9930 is a digital clamp multimeter. Lutron CM 9930 measures AC / DC current and voltage, resistance, duty cycle, capacity, frequency. Offers True RMS, diode and continuity test, Relative measurement, Data Hold, auto-off, battery voltage measurement, zero setting, overload protection on all ranges, splash protection. Max. diameter of measured conductor is 51mm. Complies with IEC 1010-1 / Cat III 1000V.
Lutron LX1102, Light meter, 400000Lux
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Lutron LX1102 is a portable digital instrument designed to measure light intensity in the range 0 .. 400000 Lux. The instrument can store the measured values in the software as long as it is connected to the computer.
Lutron PSA-311, Salinometru digital portabil
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Lutron PSA-311 este un instrument digital portabil pentru masurarea continutului de sare dintr-un fluid.
Lutron LM8000A, 4 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Humidity/Temp., Light meter, Type K Temp.
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Lutron LM9000 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp., Dew point, Light, Barometer, type K Temp.
Lutron AM4220, Anemometru cu cupe, 35m/s
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Lutron AM-4220 este un anemometru digital portabil cu cupe, pentru masurarea vitezei aerului in domeniul 0,9 - 35 m/s.
Lutron EMF828, Tester digital 3D EMF
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Lutron EMF828 este un tester 3D (x-Y-Z) EMF conceput special pentru a determina intensitatea radiațiilor electromagnetice generate de curentul electric la trecerea prin liniile electrice, echipamente electrice si electronice (monitor, televizor, calculator, cuptor electric etc.) și multe alte dispozitive similare.