FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 33 products.
Extech RHT10, Humidity and Temperature USB Datalogger
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EXTECH RHT10 humidity and temperature USB datalogger with user programmable sample rates from 2 seconds up to 24 hours. Records up to 16000 readings for each parameter.
Watanabe TZ-5E-72, convertor tensiune 4-20mA
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TZ-5E-72 este transmiter ce se poate monta pe sina, cu izolare intre intrare si iesire, care converteste tensiune curent alternativ in semnal 4-20mA. Convertorul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 2000Vca/1min.
Watanabe TZ-5BA-1A, convertor rezistenta 4-20mA
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TZ-5BA-1A este transmiter ce poate monta pe sina, cu izolare intre intrare si iesire, care converteste rezistenta (potentiometru) in semnal 4-20mA. Convertorul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 1500Vca/1min.
Watanabe TH-41-2, transmiter izolat 4-20mA, 2 canale
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Convertorul Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TH-41-2 asigura transmiterea semnalului de proces 4-20mA (IN/OUT) pe doua canale cu alimentare direct din bucla, nefiind necesara o sursa separata. Transmiterul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 2000Vca/1min.
Laserliner 082.031A, Temperature, Humidity and Dew Point Data Logger
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LL 082.031A is a smart data logger with internal sensors for both humidity and temperature. All values are shown in the display, that is present, max., min. and time. The logger is perfect for many different applications like office environment or temperature controlled transportation or clean rooms.
Indicator grafic panou, LCD 3.5", 2 intrari 0-40 V
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Lascar SGD 35-M este un indicator de panou cu ecran TFT configurabil cu ajutorul aplicatiei PanelPilot prin interfata USB
Extech RHT30, USB Humidity/Temperature Datalogger
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EXTECH RHT30, easy-to-use, USB datalogger records humidity and temperature with date/time stamp. Compact size housing with built-in NTC thermistor and capacitive humidity sensor designed with standard USB connector for easy data downloading to a PC.
Watanabe TW-4M, Universal isolate transducer
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TW-4M universal isolate transducer which is possible to change input/output range and response time by DIP switches.
Watanabe TW-2XA, transmiter cu doua iesiri
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Convertorul Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TW-2XA-222-1 asigura transmiterea semnalului de intrare 0-10V simultan catre doua canale de iesire 0-10V. Transmiterul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 1500Vca/1min
Indicator grafic panou, LCD 3.5", intrare tc J,K,T
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Lascar SGD 35-M ADPT-TC este un display grafic TFT 3'5" color 320x240 pixeli touchscreen, configurabil cu ajutorul aplicatiei PanelPilot prin interfata USB. Instrumentul se poate utiliza ca indicator de panou pentru o gama larga de aplicatii ce necesita afisarea valorilor de temperatura.
Extech HT30, Heat Stress WBGT meter
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The HT30 Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) measurement considers the effects of temperature, humidity and direct or radiant sunlight. It can also determine Heat Stress Index which measures how hot it feels when humidity is combined with temperature, air movement, and radiant heat. Black Globe Temperature (TG) monitors the effects of direct solar radiation on an exposed surface.
Lutron LM8000A, 4 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Humidity/Temp., Light meter, Type K Temp.
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Lutron LM9000 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp., Dew point, Light, Barometer, type K Temp.