FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 28 products.
Ditel SY48, regulator PID intrare 1-5V, 4-20mA
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DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA, retransmitere semnal 4-20mA si iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP66. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
Ditel SY48, regulator PID intrare 1-5V, 4-20mA
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DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA si setare limita de la distanta (remote setpoint) in semnal 4-20mA cu iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP65. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
Ditel DELTA-H042, contor de timp, 48x48mm
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DITEL DELTA H-042 este un indicator de panou (time meter - contor de timp) LCD cu 6 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x48mm si 2 limite de alarma presetabile. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 115/230Vca.
Laserliner 082.334-5, MoistureMaster Compact Plus, Material moisture measuring device including ClimaData Stick
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Laserliner 082.334-5 (MoistureMaster Compact Plus) provides the non-destructive determination of the material moisture of 56 types of wood and 6 types of building materials. Package includes a ClimaData Stick (082.027A) digital hygrometer for long-term measurement.