FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 41 products.
Extech CG304, Coating Thickness Tester with Bluetooth®
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The EXTECH CG304 is a portable meter designed for noninvasive coating thickness measurements. The tester uses dual technology that provides automatic recognition of ferrous (magnetic induction measurement) and non-ferrous (eddy current measurement) substrates. Memory stores 2500 readings. The unique Bluetooth interface feature wirelessly transmits data to your PC for further analysis and enables you to generate a documented report.
Extech HD350, Pitot Tube Anemometer and Differential Manometer
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EXTECH HD350 measures air velocity/airflow in difficult-to-reach or tight locations. It measures differential pressure in 5 selectable units of measure and includes a Pitot tube and 2 connection hoses for measuring Air Velocity/Air Flow.
Extech MG320, CAT IV Insulation Tester/True RMS MultiMeter
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EXTECH MG320 Combines a portable 20GΩ/1000V Insulation Tester with a True RMS MultiMeter.
GWInstek SFG2120, Generator de functii 20MHz
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Bazat pe tehnologia Direct Digital Synthesized (DDS), generatorul de semnal GWInstek SFG-2120 beneficiaza de performanțe care depășesc cu mult orice generatoare de funcții convenționale, totul la un preț foarte competitiv. Frecventa foarte stabila a semnalului de iesire, distorsiunile reduse si rezolutia frecventei caracteristicile de baza ale generatorului de semnal de 20Mhz SFG2120. Datorita nivelului de stabilitate de 20 ppm și a exactității formei de undă a ieșirii, seria SFG-2100 are o gamă largă de aplicații ca generator de functii, semnal de referință pentru PLL (Fase Lock Loop) și sursa de calibrare și reglare pentru dispozitive electronice.
Extech RH550, Humidity and Temperature Color Chart Recorder with Detachable Probe
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The Extech RH550 is a paperless color chart recorder that provides simultaneous digital and graphical display of %RH and temperature or dew point, as well as showing date/time and min/max values.