FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 80 products.
Laserliner 081.272A DigiLevel Pro 80, Digital electronic spirit level 80 cm with Bluetooth
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Laserliner 081.272A DigiLevel Pro 80 is a 80cm precise and easy to use digital spirit level who provides accurate horizontal and vertical alignment as well as transfer of angles. Measured data can be transferred via Bluetooth® interface.
Laserliner 081.190A SmartLine-Laser G360, 360° line laser with vertical line and tilt function
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Laserliner 081.190A, SmartLine Laser G360 generates a horizontal laser circle and a vertical laser line at right angles to it.
Lutron BHM-382SD, Temperature, Humidity, Barometer Monitor
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Lutron BHM-382SD is a SD-card real time data logger with internal sensors for humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure (barometer). All values are shown on the large display. The logger is perfect for many different applications like office environment or temperature controlled transportation or clean rooms.
Lutron SP9201, Environment meter, 11 in 1
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Lutron SP9201 - 11 measuring functions in one instrument: luxmeter, hygrometer, thermometer, anemometer, Airflow, barometer, dew point, wet bulb, heat index, wind chill, altitude.
Ditel SY48, regulator PID intrare 1-5V, 4-20mA
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DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA, retransmitere semnal 4-20mA si iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP66. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
Ditel SY48, regulator PID intrare 1-5V, 4-20mA
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DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA si setare limita de la distanta (remote setpoint) in semnal 4-20mA cu iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP65. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
Laserliner 036.162A, CompactLine-Laser G360 set, self-levelling cross line laser
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The Laserliner Laserliner 081.118B SmartLine-Laser 360° self-levelling cross line laser set, used for the exact alignment of horizontals and inclinations.
Laserliner 081.118B, SmartLine-Laser 360° set, self-levelling cross line laser
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The Laserliner 081.118B SmartLine-Laser 360° self-levelling cross line laser set, used for the exact alignment of horizontals and inclinations.
Laserliner 036.723A PocketLine-Laser G360 Set, Cross line green laser with a horizontal laser circle and 150cm tripod
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Laserliner 036.723A (PocketLine-Laser G360 Set) generates a horizontal laser circle and a vertical laser line at right angles for precise horizontal and vertical alignment. Practical set with a wide range of accessories for many different uses, including compact 150 cm tripod.
Extech EX840A, 1000A True RMS Clamp Meter with IR Thermometer
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EXTECH EX840A is a 1000A True RMS clamp meter with built-in infrared thermometer.
CEM DT-989, Professional multimeter, IP67
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CEM DT989 is a high precision IP67 professional multimeter, True RMS, color TFT graphic display and Bluetooth interface, 50000 counts, 1000 AC / DC voltage measurement, current CA/DC 10A, 50MΩ resistance, 10MHz frequency and 10mF capacity.
Ditel DELTA-H042, contor de timp, 48x48mm
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DITEL DELTA H-042 este un indicator de panou (time meter - contor de timp) LCD cu 6 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x48mm si 2 limite de alarma presetabile. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 115/230Vca.