FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 13 products.
Lutron HA702, Adaptor higrometru pentru multimetre
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Lutron HA702 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip higrometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea umiditatii relative a aerului avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul HA702. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui higrometru dedicat, care este mai scump.
Ditel LITIA-DN, numarator LCD 8 digiti, 48x24mm
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DITEL LITIA DN0/DN1 este indicator de panou (numarator totalizator) LCD cu 8 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare de tip contact flotant sau pulsuri de tensiune intre 5 si 240Vcc/ca. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la bateria interna (self power).
Lutron TA601, Adaptor tahometru pentru multimetre
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Lutron TA-601 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip tahometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea fara contact a turatiei unui echipament aflat in miscare avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul TA601. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui tahometru dedicat, care este mult mai scump.
Lutron AM4210, Thermo Anemometer 25m/s
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Lutron AM4210 is a portable digital thermo-anemometer, designed to measure the temperature and air velocity in the range of 0.4 - 25 m/s. The instrument can automatically store up to 1600 values, at programmable intervals between 2s and 1h. Temperature probes, RS232 / USB cable and software are not included.
Lutron LM8000A, 4 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Humidity/Temp., Light meter, Type K Temp.
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Lutron LM9000 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp., Dew point, Light, Barometer, type K Temp.
Lutron AM4220, Anemometru cu cupe, 35m/s
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Lutron AM-4220 este un anemometru digital portabil cu cupe, pentru masurarea vitezei aerului in domeniul 0,9 - 35 m/s.
Lutron LM8010, 5 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp, Light meter, Type K Temp.
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Lutron LM8010 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp, Light meter, Type K Temp.
Lutron LM9000, 7 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp., Dew point, Light, Barometer, type K Temp.
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Lutron LM9000 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp., Dew point, Light, Barometer, type K Temp.
Lutron SP9201, Environment meter, 11 in 1
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Lutron SP9201 - 11 measuring functions in one instrument: luxmeter, hygrometer, thermometer, anemometer, Airflow, barometer, dew point, wet bulb, heat index, wind chill, altitude.
Lutron DT1236L, Laser Photo/Contact Tachometer
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Lutron DT-1236L is one instrument combine Photo tachometer and contact tachometer.
Lutron LM8102, Multi-Function Monitor, 5 in 1
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Lutron LM-8102 is a 5 in 1 METER - Anemometer, Humidity meter, Light Meter, Thermometer, Sound level meter.
Extech HD350, Pitot Tube Anemometer and Differential Manometer
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EXTECH HD350 measures air velocity/airflow in difficult-to-reach or tight locations. It measures differential pressure in 5 selectable units of measure and includes a Pitot tube and 2 connection hoses for measuring Air Velocity/Air Flow.