MeterLand | Test and Measurement Instruments

Test and Measurement

Digital multimeters, clamp meters, electromagnetic field meters, thermometers, air flow meters,sound meters, stopwatches, timers and clocks, tachometers, thickness gauges, vibration meters, voltage testers and current testers, water quality meters, moisture meters, gas detectors and analyzers, ground resistance testers etc.

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  • Categories: Gas Leak Detection clear
  • Categories: Tachometers clear
Lutron HA702, Adaptor higrometru pentru multimetre
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Lutron HA702 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip higrometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea umiditatii relative a aerului avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul HA702. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui higrometru dedicat, care este mai scump.
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Ditel LITIA-DN, numarator LCD 8 digiti, 48x24mm
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DITEL LITIA DN0/DN1 este indicator de panou (numarator totalizator) LCD cu 8 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare de tip contact flotant sau pulsuri de tensiune intre 5 si 240Vcc/ca. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la bateria interna (self power). 
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Lutron TA601, Adaptor tahometru pentru multimetre
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Lutron TA-601 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip tahometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea fara contact a turatiei unui echipament aflat in miscare avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul TA601. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui tahometru dedicat, care este mult mai scump.
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Extech FG100, Combustible Gas Leak Detector (LNG, LPG)
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EXTECH FG100 is a Combustible Gas Leak Detector. Detects combustible gases Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Liquefied Propane Gas (LPG) from 500 to 6500 PPM. Audible and visual alarms. Convenient compact portable size with pocket clip. LED indicators for gas leakage and static absorption. 
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Extech EZ40, Combustible Gas Detector
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The Extech EZ40 EzFlex Combustible Gas Detector has a 16 inch gooseneck for easy access into hard to reach locations. Detector has a high sensitivity and a one hand operation with thumb controlled sensitivity adjustments to eliminate the background gas levels. It has a visible and audible alarm at 10% (LEL) lower explosive limited for methane. This gas detector will help you locate the smallest leaks.
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Extech VB300, 3-Axis G-Force Datalogger
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The VB300 is a G-Force datalogger which records and times 3-axis shock and vibration (acceleration) readings over its ±18g measurement range. This device will record 3-axis g-force and related peaks to provide a history of shock and vibration conditions. Complete with Magnetized/Bolt-on Mounting Base, 3.6V Lithium battery and Windows compatible analysis software.
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Extech VFM200, VOC/Formaldehyde Meter
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The VFM200 measures VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) and Formaldehyde concentrations in real-time. Fast response time, compact, easy-to-carry, and excellent for checking the indoor air quality of homes, offices, factories, hotels, schools and other indoor environments. Potential sources for VOCs include paints, finishes, adhesives, cigarette smoke, pesticides, personal care products, car exhaust, new furnishings, wall coverings, household cleansers, and cooking fuels. Chemicals include: Acetone, Ethylene Glycol, Formaldehyde, Xylene, 1,3-butadiene, Tetrachloroethene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Toluene, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, Perchloroethylene, and MTBE.
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Lutron DT1236L, Laser Photo/Contact Tachometer
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Lutron DT-1236L is one instrument combine Photo tachometer and contact tachometer.
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Lutron VT8204, Vibration meter, tachometer
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VT8204 is vibration meter / photo tachometer / contact tachometer (3 in 1); with separate professional vibration sensor.
Vibration meter : Acceleration : 200 m/s2, RMS, PEAK, Max. Hold, g, ft/s2.Velocity : 200 mm/s, RMS, PEAK, Max. Hold, cm/s, inch/s. Displacement ( p-p ) : 2 mm, Max. Hold, cm, inch.
Tachometer ( photo ) : 10 to 100,000 RPM.
Tachometer ( contact ) : 5 to 19,999. RPM
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Hikmicro AD21, Indoor Water Leak Detection Instrument
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HIKMICRO Acoustic Leak Detector AD21 supports quick inspection mode and route inspection mode, which is suitable for different users' habits. HIKMICRO AD21 can quickly locate the scope of the leakage point, improve the detection efficiency, and reduce the loss caused by leakage.
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KANE 358INT, Domestic Boiler Analyser
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KANE358INT is an ergonomically designed flue gas analyzer with direct measurement of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2),with protection of the sensors. Based on measured CO and CO2 values it calculates O2, so you don't have to use an electrochemical oxygen measuring cell, which wears very quickly in standard flue gas analyzers. It also measures NO (required by Romanian regulations), temperature and pressure. 
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KANE 958, Commercial Boiler Analyser with KANE LINK
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KANE958 is a commercial boiler gas analyser with CO sensor over-range protection, CP2T combustion probe & USB1 charger, 2 psi pressure sensor & pressure hose. Tests boilers up to 5 MW; Latest upgradeable sensor technology; Easy to use rotary dial; Purge pump protection. KANE LINK and KANE-IRP3 printer are included.
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