Grayhill 82-650-19, lightable and insertable legend 6 (3x2) SPST button keypad with PCB mounting.
Standard insertable legend modules are an economical way to create your own keyboard legend. Just slip imprinted legend insert through the slot of the clear button cap.
Grayhill 87B3-201, Insertable legend 12 (3x4) button keypad with PCB mounting and Snap Dome contact.
Standard insertable legend modules are an economical way to create your own keyboard legend. Just remove the clear button cap, add any legend, and replace the snap-on cap.
Grayhill 88AB2, Keypad with 12 (3x4) buttons, matrix code circuitry, flange mounted. Protect your equipment in outdoor or harsh environmental conditions by sealing the keyboard with the optional window overlay 88-101.
Grayhill 86AB2-101, Keypad with 12 (3x4) buttons, matrix code circuitry, flange mounted.
The button surface can be legended by an insert or a dry transfer of a blank legend insert.
Laserliner 080.22A VarioStand is a compact aluminium tripod with the crank and telescopic tripod legs. Working height can be adjusted between 18 and 45 cm.
SANWA KD1 permite detectarea fara contact a prezentei tensiunii de 80 Vca pana la 600 Vca ( 50/60 Hz), atat pentru conductoare ecranate cat si neecranate. Prezenta tensiunii este semnalizata atat vizual cat si sonor.