The FLIR VP42 is a high-quality non-contact AC voltage detector (NCV) and flashlight that offers high-end features, making it the best value product in its category. The reliable, durable detector includes a bright flashlight, a vibration feedback alarm, and a CAT IV safety rating. Use it to identify live and neutral wires in sockets and junction boxes, and to trace live and neutral wires without contact.
FLIR VP52-2 permite detectarea fara contact a prezentei teniunii de 24 Vca pana la 1000 Vca (45-65Hz), fiind semnalizata vizual (LED), prin vibratie si prin alarma sonora. In plus, instrumentul este dotat si cu functia de lanterna (LED) pentru iluminarea zonelor intunecate. FLIR VP52-2 indeplineste cerintele CAT IV 1000V.
DITEL LITIA DN0/DN1 este indicator de panou (numarator totalizator) LCD cu 8 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare de tip contact flotant sau pulsuri de tensiune intre 5 si 240Vcc/ca. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la bateria interna (self power).
The CEM DT-172 is a smart data logger with internal sensors for both humidity and temperature. All values are shown in the display, that is present, max., min. and time. The logger is perfect for many different applications like office environment or temperature controlled transportation or clean rooms.
Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TZ-5BA-1A este transmiter ce poate monta pe sina, cu izolare intre intrare si iesire, care converteste rezistenta (potentiometru) in semnal 4-20mA. Convertorul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 1500Vca/1min.
The BHR-4MM-1M is a 4mm diameter video camera mounted at the end of a 1m long flexible cable. The optical head is equipped with 2 super bright LEDs to illuminate dark areas. Possible uses: inspection of engines, HVAC, pipes and tubes (including those filled with water, camera with IP67 degree of protection), etc.
LL 082.031A is a smart data logger with internal sensors for both humidity and temperature. All values are shown in the display, that is present, max., min. and time. The logger is perfect for many different applications like office environment or temperature controlled transportation or clean rooms.
The infrared pyrometer Optris CS LT is perfectly suited for temperature measurement in small and narrow environments. The robust measuring heads have been developed for use in temperature ranges from -50°C to 1,030°C and can be employed in ambient temperatures of up to 80°C without additional cooling.
Lutron TM-936 este un termometru digital portabill cu 2 canale la care se pot conecta o sonda de masurare a temperaturii de tip termocuplu K/J/R/E/T si una de tip termorezistenta PT100. TM936 permite monitorizarea datelor prin interfata RS232/USB cu ajutorul programelor optionale. Sondele de masurare nu sunt incluse!