Extech VFM200, VOC/Formaldehyde Meter
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The VFM200 measures VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) and Formaldehyde concentrations in real-time. Fast response time, compact, easy-to-carry, and excellent for checking the indoor air quality of homes, offices, factories, hotels, schools and other indoor environments. Potential sources for VOCs include paints, finishes, adhesives, cigarette smoke, pesticides, personal care products, car exhaust, new furnishings, wall coverings, household cleansers, and cooking fuels. Chemicals include: Acetone, Ethylene Glycol, Formaldehyde, Xylene, 1,3-butadiene, Tetrachloroethene, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Toluene, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, Perchloroethylene, and MTBE.
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Laserliner 036.703A PocketPlane-Laser 3G Set, 3D Cross line green laser with 3 laser circles and 150cm tripod
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Laserliner 036.703A (PocketPlane-Laser 3G Set) is a 3D practical laser with one horizontal and two vertical green laser circles, compact 150 cm tripod, and a comprehensive range of accessories – all you need for demanding projects.
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Laserliner 082.334-5, MoistureMaster Compact Plus, Material moisture measuring device including ClimaData Stick
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Laserliner 082.334-5 (MoistureMaster Compact Plus) provides the non-destructive determination of the material moisture of 56 types of wood and 6 types of building materials. Package includes a ClimaData Stick (082.027A) digital hygrometer for long-term measurement.
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Extech EX840, 1000A True RMS AC/DC Clamp Meter with IR Thermometer
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EXTECH EX840 1000 AC/DC True RMS Clamp-On Meter, Digital multimeter with built-in infrared thermometer
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Extech 382252, Earth Ground Resistance Tester Kit
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The EXTECH 382252 is an Earth Ground Resistance Tester Kit which includes all hardware necessary to measure earth ground in 3 ranges from 20 to 2000 Ohm. Also tests AC/DC Voltage, resistance and continuity. Featuring Automatic zero adjustment and three earth ground resistance ranges 20Ω/200Ω/2000Ω.
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-lei350.00Not available
Extech RH520B, Humidity and Temperature Chart Recorder with Detachable Probe
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The Extech RH520B is a paperless chart recorder that provides simultaneous digital and graphical display of %RH and temperature or dew point, as well as showing date/time and min/max values. 
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HIKMICRO Mini2Plus, Smartphone Thermal Module
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The HIKMICRO Mini2Plus Mobile Thermal Module is a Mini2 with better lens. It is ideal for inspecting electrical equipment or troubleshooting HVAC problems. It connects to an Android smartphone with USB-C and allows temperature measurement from -20 to 350 °C. Phone not included!
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Laserliner 083.070A, Universal cable tracer set including TX and RX
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Laserliner 083.070A (CableTracer Pro) is an universal, flexible cable tracer set including transmitter and receiver.
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GWInstek SFG2107, Generator de functii 7MHz
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Bazat pe tehnologia Direct Digital Synthesized (DDS), generatorul de semnal GWInstek SFG-2107 beneficiaza de performanțe care depășesc cu mult orice generatoare de funcții convenționale, totul la un preț foarte competitiv. Frecventa foarte stabila a semnalului de iesire, distorsiunile reduse si rezolutia frecventei caracteristicile de baza ale generatorului de semnal de 7Mhz SFG2107. Datorita nivelului de stabilitate de 20 ppm și a exactității formei de undă a ieșirii, seria SFG-2100 are o gamă largă de aplicații ca generator de functii, semnal de referință pentru PLL (Fase Lock Loop) și sursa de calibrare și reglare pentru dispozitive electronice.
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Extech CG304, Coating Thickness Tester with Bluetooth®
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The EXTECH CG304 is a portable meter designed for noninvasive coating thickness measurements. The tester uses dual technology that provides automatic recognition of ferrous (magnetic induction measurement) and non-ferrous (eddy current measurement) substrates.  Memory stores 2500 readings. The unique Bluetooth interface feature wirelessly transmits data to your PC for further analysis and enables you to generate a documented report. 
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FLIR One Pro LT, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
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FLIR ONE Pro LT has the power to find hidden problems faster than ever. With the enhanced resolution of FLIR VividIR™, added perspective of FLIR MSX®, and the convenience of the OneFit™ adjustable connector, FLIR ONE Pro LT works as hard as you do. Whether you're a professional or just focused on DIY projects, the FLIR ONE Pro LT has the powerful features you need at an affordable price.
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Optris CT LT20, Smallest infrared pyrometer, 22:1, temperature range [-50 .. 975°C]
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OPTRIS CT LT20 is one of the smallest infrared sensors worldwide for precise non-contact temperature measurement from -50°C to +975°C, usable up to 180°C ambient temperature without cooling.
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