Grayhill 88-201, Clear window overlay for sealing the Grayhill 88JB2 keyboards with 20 (5x4) keys, for outdoor or harsh environmental conditions.
Weatherproof and waterproof your subpanel mounted keyboards with optional Grayhill 88M2019-1 seal gaskets.
Grayhill 82-650-19, lightable and insertable legend 6 (3x2) SPST button keypad with PCB mounting.
Standard insertable legend modules are an economical way to create your own keyboard legend. Just slip imprinted legend insert through the slot of the clear button cap.
Laserliner 083.011A - ActiveFinder Plus is a non-contact voltage tester provides a high level of industrial safety by effective detection of live, safety-relevant cables and line breaks. Visual and acoustic signals indicate whether a voltage is present.
Laserliner 083.014A ActiveFinder Pro is a professional non-contact voltage testing of electrical wiring and systems, in handy pen format, who provides a high level of industrial safety by detecting existing alternating voltages in cables, sockets, lampholders and fuses. Visual and acoustic signals indicate whether a voltage is present.
Model DV25 is a dual range NCV detector that combines two models into one. Low range measures down to 24 Volt and the high range measures up to 1000 Volt. Audible and visual indication, rugged double molded housing, and a bright built-in LED flashlight.
Grayhill 87B3-201, Insertable legend 12 (3x4) button keypad with PCB mounting and Snap Dome contact.
Standard insertable legend modules are an economical way to create your own keyboard legend. Just remove the clear button cap, add any legend, and replace the snap-on cap.
Grayhill 88AB2, Keypad with 12 (3x4) buttons, matrix code circuitry, flange mounted. Protect your equipment in outdoor or harsh environmental conditions by sealing the keyboard with the optional window overlay 88-101.