Lutron HA702 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip higrometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea umiditatii relative a aerului avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul HA702. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui higrometru dedicat, care este mai scump.
Lutron LX-02 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip luxmetru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea intensitatii luminoase avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul LX02. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui luxmetrului dedicat, care este mult mai scump.
Laserliner 081.250A DigiLevel Plus 40 is a 40cm precise and easy to use digital spirit level who provides accurate horizontal and vertical alignment as well as transfer of angles.
The Extech MN36 digital multimeter is compact but still packed with features. Capable of measuring AC and DC voltage up to 600 volts, the MN36 is autoranging, which means it automatically displays readings with the proper decimal place location and maximum resolution.
The Extech EX205T is a True RMS digital multimeter, which provides truer AC readings when measuring distorted or non-sinusoidal waveforms and noisy signals. This model is also auto ranging, which means it automatically displays readings with the proper decimal place location and maximum resolution. Featuring a large 2000-count, backlit dual LCD with easy-to-read digits, this multimeter measures: AC/DC Voltage, Resistance, Diode Test and Continuity.
Laserliner 081.251A DigiLevel Plus 60 is a 60cm precise and easy to use digital spirit level who provides accurate horizontal and vertical alignment as well as transfer of angles.
Laserliner 080.29A VarioStand is a high-quality aluminium tripod with the crank and telescopic tripod legs. Working height can be adjusted between 57 and 120 cm, with a 1/4” and 5/8” thread.