MeterLand | Thermography I Thermal Imaging Cameras


Thermal imaging cameras for predictive maintenance, research and building diagnostics. medical thermography. optical gas imaging. Infrared cameras for firefighters. Thermographic cameras for research and special applications.

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  • Availability: Available clear
  • IR Detector Resolution (pixels): 80 x 60 clear
FLIR ONE Edge, Thermal Camera with WiFi for iOS and Android Smart Devices
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The FLIR ONE Edge wirelessly connects to your smart device so you can easily inspect targets that are out of reach. It helps you find invisible problems faster than ever, whether you're inspecting electrical panels, troubleshooting mechanical systems, looking for HVAC problems, or finding water damage. Compatible with iOS and Android smartphones and tablets, the FLIR ONE Edge can be used without limitations, regardless of carrier, operating system, or future smart device upgrades. Phone not included!
IMPORTANT! This product can be sold only in Romania!
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FLIR One Pro LT, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
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FLIR ONE Pro LT has the power to find hidden problems faster than ever. With the enhanced resolution of FLIR VividIR™, added perspective of FLIR MSX®, and the convenience of the OneFit™ adjustable connector, FLIR ONE Pro LT works as hard as you do. Whether you're a professional or just focused on DIY projects, the FLIR ONE Pro LT has the powerful features you need at an affordable price.
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FLIR DM166, Multimetru cu imagine termica
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Instrument 2 in 1: multimetru profesional True RMS si camera termografica. 
IMPORTANT! Acest produs este supus unor restrictii de export si nu se poate vinde catre persoane fizice, utilizatori finali sau utilizari in domeniul militar fara licenta de export!
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FLIR AX8, Thermal Imaging Camera For Continuous Monitoring
Delivery on order
Camera bispectrala pentru monitorizare permanenta a echipamentelor critice cu functii de masurare si procesare integrate, web server si intrare / iesire digitale configurabile.
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